Who We Are?
- Persatuan Penduduk Serenia Amani is our official name registered under RoS Malaysia.
- Serenia Amani Residents Association (SARA) is our official abbreviation registered under RoS Malaysia.
- We were registered with the Registrar of Societies Malaysia on the 14th of September 2020.
- Registration number: PPM-013-10-14092020
- Registered address: 12A, Jalan Aman Serenia 5/5, Bandar Serenia, 43900 Sepang, Selangor.
- SARA official email: [email protected]

Official SARA Bank Account
- Official bank: Maybank Banking Berhad
- Official bank account name: Persatuan Penduduk Serenia Amani
- Bank address: Lot P1-36, Shaftsbury Square,
2350, Persiaran Multimedia, Cyber 6, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor. - Bank account number: 5686 0303 2826
Any payments must be paid to the above account information ONLY. Please pay attention to the account name and account number.
Current Committee Teams 2024/2025
- President : Ts. Shahril Bin Azizi
- Vice President 1 : Sr Noor Fikhkri Bin Ahmad Zainoden
- Vice President 2 : Mrs Nandini A/P Purushothaman
- Vice President 3 : Tn. Hj. Abdul Hakim Bin Hj. Abdul Wahab
- Secretary : Mrs Norashikin Binti Ab Hamid
- Vice Secretary : Mrs Vishva Jyothy A/P Samudram
- Treasurer : Ts. Muhammad Hilmi Bin Ismail
- Vice Treasurer : Mr Abdul Azzim Bin Abdul Kuddus
- Committee Members :
- Mr Ahmad Syafiq Fitri Bin Tambi
- Mr Mohamad Fazlan Bin Mansor
- Mr Muhammad Hasif Bin Hassan
- Mr Mohammad Firdaus Bin Mohd Zubir
- Mr Nabil Bin Nahar
- Mr Muhammad Hakimi Bin Zolkefle
- Mrs Zaleha Binti Ismail
- Mrs Hazeerah Binti Ismail
Sara's Logo

The logo above is the emblem for the Serenia Amani Residents Association. This emblem has the following meaning:
i. Slogan Respect Unite Harmony – Symbolizes all Serenia Amani Residents practice the principles of mutual respect, unity and harmony.
ii. Serenia Amani Writings – Symbolizes the Strength and Familiarity of Serenia Amani Residents.
iii. Tree Shaped Hand Grip Symbol – Signifies All Serenia Amani Residents dare to come forward for the common good.